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Best Jazz 3 Day Internet Package

Best Jazz 3 Day Internet Package
Written by jazzpackeges

Jazz 3 day internet package also provides some other benefits to users. You will get 1000 jazz-to-jazz call minutes, 10 minutes for other network calling and also you will get 1000 SMS for chatting with your family and friends. If you are looking for the best jazz 3 day internet package you are at the right place. Also, check 3 Best Jazz Internet Package In 100 Rupees.

Jazz 3 Day Internet Package

This is the best package for those users who don’t like to subscribe to weekly or monthly bundles. Jazz 3-day internet offer is the best choice for them.

With this offer, you will get 1GB of data which you can use for 3 days. Also, you will get 1k jazz minutes and 1k SMS in this offer.

Package Details

Offer Name 3-Day Max Offer
Price Rs. 60 (Include Tax)
Duration 3 Days
SMS 1000
Data 1GB
Call Minutes 1000
Other Network Minutes 10
Sub-Code *631#
Status Check *631*2#

How to subscribe jazz 3 day internet package

It is very simple and easy to subscribe Jazz 3 day package. Just follow these instructions:

  • Open you phone dialer
  • Dial *631# and press ok
  • You will get a confirmation message, after that, you can use this offer.

How to check the remaining data of jazz 3 day internet package

When you want to know how much offers you used and how much is remaining. Just go to your mobile dialer and dial *631*2# and press ok. You will a full summary of your used and remaining data through SMS from Jazz.

Jazz 3 day Internet Package Code

The subscription code for jazz 3-day internet offer is *631# and the status check code is *631*2#. Read more

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